There are a few ways to modify your nutrition targets. Maybe your goals have changed, or you want to try a new macronutrient split. Here's how:

1. In your Meal Layout

To edit your Meal Layout, click the three-dot menu button near the upper right of the planner page, and select the "Edit Meal Layout" option. You can also access this by expanding the main menu in the upper left and going to Meals & Schedule > Meal Settings.

Next, scroll down to the Meal Layout section. From here, you can click on the drop-down menu above each day to change which nutrition targets are used for that day, or the little pencil icon to edit those existing targets:

2. On the Nutrition Targets page

Expand the left sidebar from the menu button at the top left of the site and going to Diet & Nutrition > Nutrition Targets.

Here, you can edit your existing targets by clicking on them to modify as needed, or you can click the Create Nutrition Target button to add a brand new set of nutrition targets.

Just note that when you create a new set of targets, you'll need to update these in your Meal Layout as described above to designate these as the targets you would like the generator to use, otherwise it will continue to use the targets assigned in your layout. You can see more about customizing your Meal Layout here: Customizing the number of meals and layout