Every recipe can be personalized with your own modifications to the ingredients, directions, or anything else. When you personalize a recipe, the generator will use your custom version instead of the original in all future meal plans.


To personalize a recipe, click on a food's image or name in your meal plan. This will open the details page of that recipe.


Then click the "Edit recipe" button at the top right of the details page:



This will open up a pop-up where you will click "Create copy" which then will open the recipe in the editor. You can then make whatever changes you need before saving it.

We're planning to add some functionality to make one-time recipe modifications, but for now, the easiest method would be to just edit the same recipe again when you make changes, or create a new recipe entirely. Definitely not ideal, and we'll try to get this option in there soon.

Tags: Custom, Personal, Personalize, Enter Foods, Customize, Recipe Details, Substitute, Substitution