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Featured articles
6 articles
For best results, use Recurring Foods!
Family / couples meal planning
The generator isn't hitting my target macros. What's going on?
Can I create meals using only my pantry foods?
The new Eat This Much mobile app
What's new on the New ETM website?
Adding and tracking foods
3 articles
How to add a dish to your meal plan
Can I disable the automatic generator and enter my own foods?
I ate something that wasn't in my meal plan. What should I do?
Personalizing the meal planner
7 articles
Customizing the number of meals and layout
Family / couples meal planning
Rating foods with thumbs up or thumbs down
Can I generate just one meal per day?
How does the "Meal size" setting work?
How do I prevent a specific meal or day from generating?
How do I account for a meal that I don't have control over?
Creating new foods and recipes
3 articles
How can I make my custom recipe private?
How to add a custom food / custom recipe
How do I modify recipes? (To make substitutions or add notes)
Customizing nutrition targets
4 articles
How to change your nutrition targets, or add new Nutrition Profiles
Is there a way to show net carbs instead of total carbs?
How to update your nutrition targets if your goals change
How to set your sodium, cholesterol, and fiber targets
Favorites, Recurring Foods, & Leftovers
4 articles
For best results, use Recurring Foods!
What/Where is my Favorite Foods list?
How to create and use Collections
How do I automate Leftovers or Meal Prep?
Eat This Much Premium
9 articles
Tell your friends, get free Premium!
Changing from a monthly to annual subscription (or vice versa)?
Update your payment info
Do you take PayPal?
Can I sign up for a year without the subscription renewing automatically?
How do I redeem a gift code?
What do I get for subscribing?
What are the weekly emails like?
View all articles in “Eat This Much Premium”
Grocery list and Pantry
6 articles
Can I create meals using only my pantry foods?
Can I plan for two weeks at a time? Or even just a couple days at a time?
How does the grocery list work?
How does the Pantry system work?
I missed my grocery shopping day. How can I get back on track?
How do I make my Grocery list shorter?
General FAQs on using ETM
28 articles
Using the Block button to block foods
What do I get for creating an account?
How are the calorie targets calculated?
Family Members Account Linking (BETA)
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
How do I remove myself from your mailing list?
Do you offer translated versions of Eat This Much?
Can I pause my subscription?
View all articles in “General FAQs on using ETM”
ETM Professional
10 articles
ETM Professional - Version 2 Help
ETM Professional - Guide to Managing Your Clients
ETM Professional - Meal Plans Guide
ETM Professional - "My Account"
ETM Professional - FAQ
ETM Professional - Video walkthroughs
ETM Professional - Customizing client permissions
ETM Professional - Adding Notes to client meal plans
View all articles in “ETM Professional”
Troubleshooting issues
12 articles
Can I reset my account preferences and start over from scratch?
Unlinking your Facebook account from ETM
Reset your password
Why is the generator leaving some of my meals empty?
The generator isn't hitting my target macros. What's going on?
Is there a mobile app?
Foods missing from the grocery list?
Changing your email address
View all articles in “Troubleshooting issues”
2 articles
The new Eat This Much mobile app
What's new on the New ETM website?