To plan for multiple people for a certain meal, you'll want to make this modification in your Meal Settings. You can find this by hitting the 3-dot menu on a meal -- here's a screenshot showing how on the mobile app (you can do the same on the website):

Alternatively, head to the Meal Type settings by clicking on the 3-dot menu button at the upper-right of the site on the main page and select "Edit Meal Layout":


Scroll down to the Meal Types section of this page and click on the meal type you wish to plan for. On the meal's editing page there’s a “How many people” setting that allows you to choose how many people to plan for (up to 9 people). By default, every meal will be planned for 1 person, but you can change this number to automatically scale the recipes up for multiple people.

App interface:

Web interface:



What does this do?

This changes the amount of ingredients in the grocery list, so if you want some other people to enjoy that meal with you, the grocery list will scale up the ingredients needed for that meal by the number of people you select. So if you set Lunch to be for 2 people and lunch tells you to eat a single turkey sandwich, your grocery list will contain the ingredients for 2 turkey sandwiches. The recipe info will also show you an "Amount to cook" that will automatically scale the ingredients.

What doesn't this do?

This won't automatically handle multiple people's different nutrition targets for you, but there are some workarounds you can try that achieve something similar:

Simplest workaround:

Set the planner's nutrition targets to match whoever's targets are the lowest of the two of you. So if you want to eat 2200 calories, and your significant other wants to eat 1800 calories, set the planner's targets for 1800 calories. Set every meal to plan for 2 people (assuming you want to eat mostly the same things), and then you'll need to find an extra 400 calories somewhere (1800 + 400 = 2200). The easiest way to do this is to just have some extra meal that you eat every day that's around 400 calories, like a small sandwich or protein shake.

This works best if your calorie difference isn't huge, and you don't mind keeping your meal with the extra calories consistent. If you want to track those extra calories, flip the targets around. Set the planner to target your 2200 calories, and then set your foods to recur "always" in a meal that only uses those recurring foods.

Less simple workaround:

You can also try adding together your calorie targets with the other person, and then dividing the meals by the proportion of calories you each need. So if you want to eat 3000 calories and your significant other only wants 1500 calories (maybe you're trying to get huge and you S.O. wants to get cut), tell the generator you want 4500 calories and split the meals in a 2:1 ratio. This can get a little complicated if your calories don't divide into a nice, even ratio, so I generally recommend the first method. If you follow this method, you'll want to make sure each meal is set to plan for 1 person, since the calorie targets already account for both people.


tags: couples, family, plan for 2, 2 person, can I use this for two people