Maybe you don't like what the generator suggested, or you need to track something you ate. Here's how you can do that.


On the website: Click on the 3-dot menu button next to the meal in your meal plan you would like to add a food to, then select "+Add food":



This will open up the food search. You can type a search here, and we'll search our databases of foods to find what you're looking for. If you select "Filter" you can filter the categories in which you're searching if it's helpful:



Once you find what you want, click the food, then click the "+Add" button to add it to your meal:




On the app: If you're in the mobile app (iOS or Android), you can either tap the 3-dot menu on a meal and select "+ Add foods to meal", or select the "Search" tab in the bottom bar to search for items to add to your meals. 





If you can't find what you want, you can create a new food or recipe, and then add it to your plans. Here's a quick summary of how to do that:





tags: track food, intake, search