If you feel like you need a fresh start, you can reset your account to start over with a clean slate. This will redirect you back to the initial start-up walkthrough and allow you to select your preferences as if you're just getting started. 

On the website:

Head to Account > Credentials and select the "Reset Your Account" option. 

On the app:

Coming soon! In the meantime, you can pull up the website in your mobile browser and follow the steps above.

What this does and doesn't reset:


  • Meal plans in your planner calendar and grocery list
  • Primary diet, food exclusions, and rated foods
  • Meal settings (including recurring foods)
  • Leftovers
  • Nutrition targets
  • Weight goal
  • Generator settings

Stays the same

  • Height, weight, age, gender
  • Pantry list
  • Custom foods and recipes
  • Collections
  • Saved meal plans
  • Weight entry history