The Meal Plans page is where you can view all the meal plans belonging to you and your managed accounts.   You can also create new meal plans, copy existing ones, and turn them into emails/pdfs.

Let's run through some of the different options on this page.

Create new meal plan

Clicking the "Create new meal plan" button at the top will open a modal.

Here you can select:

  • Title - The title of the meal plan
  • User to create this plan for - The user whose account this meal plan will be attached to (can either be you or one of your users).  This also affects which diet type and exclusions are used when generating this meal plan.
  • Weekly layout to use - The weekly layout to use for this plan which controls which nutrition targets and meals are used.  This will default to the user you selected but you can also choose to use your own account's weekly layout.  
  • Start with a blank plan - Whether to start with a blank plan without any foods or whether to generate foods automatically.  You can always edit these foods whether you started blank or not.
  • Number of days - The number of days in this meal plan.

Below these selections will be a preview of the diet type, exclusions, and weekly layout that will be used for the meal plan.

Copy meal plan 

Clicking the "Copy meal plan" button at the top will open a similar modal.

Here you can select:

  • Title - The title of the meal plan
  • User to create this plan for - The user whose account this meal plan will be attached to (can either be you or one of your users).  This also affects which diet type and exclusions are used when regenerating this meal plan, but not during the initial copy.
  • Meal plan to copy from - The weekly layout to use for this plan which controls which nutrition targets and meals are used.  This will default to the user you selected but you can also choose to use your own account's weekly layout.  

Below these selections will be a preview of the meal plan you are copying.


Meal plan actions

Next let's cover the actions that you can take on a meal plan.










View / Edit 

Clicking View/Edit will bring you to the Saved Meal Plan view.  Here you can make changes to the plan like regenerating individual foods/meals, or regenerate the entire plan with the orange button in the top right.

Copy plan

This opens the same Copy meal plan modal discussed above but preselects the current meal plan. 

Create PDF











This will create a pdf of the current meal plan.  After choosing some initial formatting options it will generate a preview where you can make any additional edits you'd like.  When you're done with any final edits you can click "Download pdf".


























This will create an email of the current meal plan.  Select which clients you'd like to email along with some formatting options.   Clicking "Preview and edit your email" will generate a preview where you can make any additional edits you'd like.  You can double check who you're emailing by clicking "View selected emails" at the top.  When you're done with any final edits you click "Send to selected emails" to deliver the email.